I'm Maggie, a museum exhibit developer based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. For the past decade I've led over 25 exhibit teams and written over a thousand museum labels.
My process is about listening, taking risks, and being open to new directions. It's important to me to build community partnerships and project budgets around these values.
When I'm not in museums, I'm outdoors in Minnesota parks with my dog. Watercolors are my way of seeing the world.
Recent Projects
Independence National Historical Park waysides, PA (Current)
Interpretive Planner & Writer, 106 Group
Mille Lacs Kathio State Park Visitor Center, MN (Current)
Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Washington Crossing Historic Park waysides, PA (2024-Current)
Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Lake Carlos State Park Visitor Center, MN (2023-2024)
Project Manager & Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Mission San Juan Visitor Center, TX (2022-2024)
Project Manager & Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park Visitor Center, MN (2022-2024)
Project Manager & Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Stoppel Historic Farmstead interpretive plan, MN (2022-2023)
Project Manager & Interpretive Planner, 106 Group
"Answering the Call" exhibit, North Carolina Museum of History, NC (2023)
Exhibit Developer, Roto
"Norfolk in Time" exhibit, Nauticus Maritime Center, VA (2023)
Exhibit Developer, Roto
"History at Heart" installation, MN (2020)
Exhibit Developer, Minnesota Historical Society. My article about this project, "Connection Through a Chain-Link Fence" first appeared in the journal Exhibition (Fall 2021) Vol. 40 No. 2 and is reproduced with permission. www.name-aam.org.
Historic Fort Snelling, MN (2018-2022)
Exhibit Developer, Minnesota Historical Society
Monterey Bay Aquarium, Bechtel Family Center for Ocean Education and Leadership, schematic design (2018) Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Fort Foote National Park, Washington DC (2018)
Project Manager & Interpretive Planner/Writer, 106 Group
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, NM (2018)
Project Manager & Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
Devils Tower National Monument, WY (2017-2018)
Project Manager & Interpretive Planner/Writer, 106 Group
Hickory Run State Park, PA (2016-2018)
Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Spring Lake Park Reserve, MN (2017)
Project Manager & Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
Minnesota Bison Conservation Herds, MN (2016-2017)
Project Manager & Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
1st place winner of the NAI Interpretive Media Award, 2018
Arlington House, Washington DC (2015-2018)
Project Manager & Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM (2015-2017)
Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest schematic design, VA (2016-2018) Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Trail of Tears National Historic Trail, AL (2016)
Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
Brooklyn Park Historical Farm master planning, MN (2016) Interpretive Planner, 106 Group
Kinzua Bridge State Park, PA (2015-2016)
Exhibit Developer & Interpretive Writer, 106 Group
2nd place winner of the NAI Media Interior Exhibit Awards
Quarry Hill Nature Center, MN (2015)
Interpretive Planner, 106 Group
Indian Creek Nature Center concept design, IA (2015)
Exhibit Developer, 106 Group
Red Oak Nature Center, IL (2014)
Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios
Springbrook Nature Center schematic design, MN (2014) Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios
Runge Conservation Nature Center, MO (2014)
Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios
Good Earth State Park Visitor Center schematic design, SD (2014) Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios
Driftless Area Education & Visitor Center schematic design, IA (2014) Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios
Point Betsie Lighthouse Visitor Center, MI (2014)
Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios
Touchstone Cooperatives of North Dakota Traveling Exhibit, ND (2014) Exhibit Developer, Split Rock Studios, 2nd place winner of the NAI Interior Exhibit Awards (2015)
"Art of the Hunt" Wyoming State Museum, WY (2013)
Interpretive Writer, Split Rock Studios